Affiliate Marketing Books Not Just for Dummies… Best in E-Commerce

Affiliate marketing books may be split into two main categories: those written for affiliates (i.e. people interested in selling other people’s stuff and making money on commissions) and those published for merchants (i.e. online businesses interested in advertising through affiliates).

I’ve been writing for both groups since 2006. However, it is in the course of the past four years that my two more successful books came out: “Quick Start Guide to Affiliate Marketing: Answers to the Questions You Should Be Asking” (for affiliates), and “Affiliate Program Management: An Hour a Day” (for merchants).

As of today, both are in the Top 10 Best E-Commerce books on Amazon:

If you could use a copy of one or the other, be my guest and grab one. If, however, you’ve already read either of these (or both!) I would highly appreciate you reviewing the respective one here or here.

First Comprehensive Affiliate Management Book in Chinese

Less than a year ago I announced that Wiley “signed a contract with a Beijing-based publisher for the translation and publication of my ‘Affiliate Program Management: An Hour a Day‘ book.”

In 2012 China’s population of Internet users rose 10 percent adding 51 million to the previous number of 510 million users. “Chinese leaders encourage Internet use for business and education” [source], and the Internet penetration is nearing 50 percent of the country’s population [source]. I am extremely excited that at a time like this my “Affiliate Program Management: An Hour a Day” has come out in Chinese:

The Chinese translation of my book has been published just two weeks ago, and is now hitting bookshelves.

This is the first comprehensive affiliate marketing book in Chinese, and I am looking forward to flying to China for book launch activities (exact dates TBC).

Affiliate Marketing Book Receives Small Business Classic Award

classic: noun : a work of enduring excellence [Merriam-Webster Dictionary]

Today is a very special day for me. Due to your overwhelming support, my “Affiliate Program Management: An Hour a Day” tome has won a big award, winning the first place in the Classics category of 2013 Small Business Books Awards.

I feel honored and altogether humbled to be acknowledged in this way. As far as I understand this is the first time an affiliate marketing book gets selected as a small business classic. Thank you for your support, everyone! It means the world to me!!

In case you haven’t yet heard, later this Spring the book is coming out in Russian, and it is now also being translated into Chinese. If you are interested in acquiring translation rights for it, I’d love to hear from you.